Oil Purification and Filtration

Oil purification and filtration

Together with supplied technologies, EASY TECHNOLOGIES offers oil purification and filtration services as a supplementary service. The aim of this advantageous package is and evident reduction in costs on the client’s side.

Technological process that we provide enables the removal of solid particles from oils up to 1pm.

In case of metallic mechanical impurities, it is possible to remove even particles smaller than 1pm.

During the purification process, free and emulsified water in the oil can be removed, hence drying the oil.

Following purification, the oil cleanliness is at ISO 13-10, NAS-5.

We treat the following types of oil:

Easy Technologies, s.r.o.
Komořanská 326/63
143 00 Praha – Modřany

CIN: 03366464
TIN: CZ03366464
The company is registered in the Commercial Register
maintained by the Municipal Court in Prague in Section C, Insert 230678.


Huťská 1379
272 01 Kladno

Tel.: 602 377 041

Created 2022 www.vyroba-stranek.cz - Virtuální prohlídky - all4U agency s.r.o.